Browning Trail Cameras customer Clint Bell shares the story of how his trail cameras helped him tag a buck of a lifetime with his bow!
Hunting early season whitetails has its advantages. Their pattern is more predictable and they haven’t been pressured yet by other hunters in the woods: two key factors to harvesting a mature buck in the first few weeks of season opener. But, there are still challenges that come with hunting in early fall. Below are 5 tips that helped me capitalize on a mature, early season whitetail.
Here are a couple tips to minimize trail camera theft as much as possible while still getting some use out of your arsenal of cameras.
For someone who is new to hunting or the trail camera world, picking out your first game camera can be somewhat overwhelming. Here are a few "must-have", trail camera features to keep in mind while shopping, as well as some bonus features and accessories that may be an asset to you. (Click blog title to view complete blog post.)
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