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Behind The Lens

Trail Cameras are Changing Wildlife Observation

Trail Cameras are Changing Wildlife Observation

Trail cameras have become invaluable tools in wildlife observation, thanks to their discreet yet high-performance design. Set up in remote locations and often left unattended for weeks or months, these cameras can capture images and videos of elusive species without the disturbance of human presence.

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Shock Therapy

Shock Therapy

I can recall, with great vividness, two memories that have defined my pursuits in the woods: the first buck I ever shot, and the first time I heard the thunderous gobble of a wild turkey. (Click blog title to view complete blog post.)

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5 Tips for Elk Season Success

Hunting elk on public landing in Idaho is definitely different than hunting whitetails on my farm in Kentucky. We aren’t using feeders, minerals and supplements or food plots to bring the elk in, and hunting elk typically requires much more physical effort than hunting whitetails where you have long periods of sitting in tree stands or ground blinds. In preparation for the upcoming season, I’ve put together 5 tips that will help you have a successful elk hunting season. (Click blog title to view complete blog post.) Continue reading