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Behind The Lens

3 Browning Trail Camera Settings to Use This Deer Season

3 Browning Trail Camera Settings to Use This Deer Season

Being an avid whitetail hunter here in Midwest Wisconsin, Browning Trail Cameras have been crucial in my success. Chasing whitetail patterns and the changes in them some may say is a sickness. With that being said, utilizing your Browning Trail Camera settings is crucial in your success. The 3 settings I use are as follows:

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Simple Tips to Prepare for Summer Trail Camera Scouting - Part 1

Simple Tips to Prepare for Summer Trail Camera Scouting - Part 1

It’s almost summertime, and that means it’s time to get your trail cameras in the field to start scouting for the upcoming deer season! But before you get your trail cameras out, there are some things to consider in order to get the most out of your scouting this summer. Here are a few simple tips that will ensure everything runs smoothly for you heading into fall deer season. (Click blog title to view complete blog post.)

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Bowhunting: 5 Tips for Early Season Success

Hunting early season whitetails has its advantages. Their pattern is more predictable and they haven’t been pressured yet by other hunters in the woods: two key factors to harvesting a mature buck in the first few weeks of season opener. But, there are still challenges that come with hunting in early fall. Below are 5 tips that helped me capitalize on a mature, early season whitetail.

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The “30/30” Trail Camera Setting

Just a couple weeks ago I made my first series of mock scrapes for the year and placed my Browning Trail Cameras on all of them using what I call the “30/30 setting”: Video mode set on 30 second clips with 30 sec delay). It didn't take long before the first mature buck found one in less than 24 hours of being made, and within a couple days they all started to heat up. I noticed one series of the three was showing more activity from a specific deer than the others. I knew right away this was a deer I wanted to target, but how was I going to be able to do so?

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Defender 850: Changing How You Hunt

The Defender 850 has some unique features and technology that set it apart from the rest and that can take your deer hunting to the next level. Here are 3 features on the Defender 850 trail camera that will allow you to change the way you hunt this season.

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Using Trail Cameras to Scout for Turkeys

Knowing where to hang your trail cameras and what settings to use when scouting for turkeys is important, as it can vary a little from using cameras for deer hunting. Pro-Staffer Andrea Haas shares a few tips on what locations to hang your trail cameras and what settings to use for each. (Click blog title to view complete blog post.) Continue reading